
Adobe Photoshop
Adobe Illustrator

Objective: Creating a pattern from 3 objects, and using the objects to make a narrative

Mood Board

Process 1: I chose to trace a figurine of a unicorn, dinosaur and a heart from my Airpods case because the assignment was to tell a story, and I thought that story could be built between the unicorn and dinosaur. This was my draft.

After discussing with my professor, I needed to also derive a pattern from the objects rather than just using my objects as a pattern. She suggested using something like hoofs, which inspired some ideas.Process 2: This was my first draft. I stuck with the dinosaur and unicorn in love narrative, and wanted to show that. So, I thought of heart elements and decided on love letters and a heart with an arrow through it. I represented the unicorn with hoof prints and the dinosaur with leaves. I used 2 leading lines to connect the elements and to put emphasis on the pattern.
Process 3: After critique, my professor suggest a border with the pattern and I liked the idea. I also used a gradient overlay and Gaussian blur to make the piece more dreamlike and magical which really improved the piece.